Youth Sports Program Overview

Mission Statement

 The Department of Parks, Recreation, and Marine Youth Sports Program exists to provide boys and girls in our community with various citywide recreational sports leagues that emphasize Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Fundamentals, Perseverance, Health and Wellness. We believe every child in Long Beach has something to play for, and our role is to provide an opportunity in a FUN, safe and nurturing environment.  

 The City of Long Beach Youth Sports Program is FREE (some sports may require a uniform fee) to all participants and consists of a variety of sports opportunities throughout the year for boys and girls ages 5-14. Participants register individually and are placed on teams at Long Beach Parks. Each season consists of a six-week season, and the number of games depends on team entries.

Youth Sports Calendar

League Age RegistrationSeason
Basketball 5-14 NovemberJanuary
Indoor Soccer5-14FebruaryApril
Dodgers Dreamteam5-14MayJuly
Flag Football5-14AugustOctober
Ball Hockey5-14OctoberDecember



Please Include: Participant's Name, Division, Phone Number, and a Brief Description


5001 Deukmejian Dr. Long Beach, Ca 90804


