Sat 1/25
9:00 AM
Whaley Sparklez
Chavez Storm
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Whaley Sparklez: 7 - Chavez Storm:8
Sat 1/25
10:00 AM
Houghton Hustlers
Chavez Emerald Stars
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Houghton Hustlers: 0 -Chavez Emerald Stars: 8
Sat 1/25
11:00 AM
Signal Hill
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Signal Hill: 8 - El Do Lady Hotshots: 12
Sat 1/25
1:00 PM
Scherer Hoopers
Silverado The Elites
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Scherer Hoopers: 6 - Silverado The Elites: 14
Sat 2/1
9:00 AM
Chavez Emerald Stars
Whaley Sparklez
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Chavez Emerald Stars: 4 - Whaley Sparklez: 10
Sat 2/1
10:00 AM
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
Scherer Hoopers
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: EL Dorado Lady Hotshots: 11- Scherer Hoopers: 1
Sat 2/1
11:00 AM
Silverado The Elites
Houghton Hustlers
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Silverado The Elites: 25 - Houghton Hustlers: 8
Sat 2/1
1:00 PM
Chavez Storm
Signal Hill
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Chavez Storm: 14 - Signal Hill: 9
Sat 2/8
9:00 AM
Signal Hill
Chavez Emerald Stars
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Signal Hill: 2 - Chavez Emerald Stars: 9
Sat 2/8
10:00 AM
Scherer Hoopers
Chavez Storm
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Scherer Hoopers: 4 - Chavez Storm: 9
Sat 2/8
11:00 AM
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
Silverado The Elites
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: El Dorado Lady Hotshots: 13 - Silverado The Elites: 20
Sat 2/8
1:00 PM
Whaley Sparklez
Houghton Hustlers
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Whaley Sparklez: 11 - Houghton Hustlers: 2
Sat 2/15
9:00 AM
Houghton Hustlers
Signal Hill
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Houghton Hustlers: 10 - Signal Hill: 10
Sat 2/15
10:00 AM
Silverado The Elites
Whaley Sparklez
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Silverado The Elites: 12 - Whaley Sparklez: 11
Sat 2/15
11:00 AM
Scherer Hoopers
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Scherer Hoopers: 6 - El Dorado Lady Hotshots: 8
Sat 2/15
1:00 PM
Chavez Emerald Stars
Chavez Storm
McBride Gym
The score listed above reflects the sportsmanship points each team was awarded. The final game score was: Chavez Emerald Stars: 6 - Chavez Storm: 9
Sat 2/22
9:00 AM
Scherer Hoopers
Houghton Hustlers
McBride Gym
Sat 2/22
10:00 AM
Signal Hill
Whaley Sparklez
McBride Gym
Sat 2/22
11:00 AM
Chavez Storm
Silverado The Elites
McBride Gym
Sat 2/22
1:00 PM
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
Chavez Emerald Stars
McBride Gym
Sat 3/1
9:00 AM
Houghton Hustlers
El Dorado Lady Hotshots
McBride Gym
Sat 3/1
10:00 AM
Chavez Emerald Stars
Chavez Storm
McBride Gym
Sat 3/1
11:00 AM
Whaley Sparklez
Scherer Hoopers
McBride Gym
Sat 3/1
1:00 PM
Silverado The Elites
Signal Hill
McBride Gym