Code of Conduct

Maricopa Sports Code of Conduct - Download

The Maricopa Team Sports Code of Conduct must be followed at all times by Player, Parents, Coaches, Referees, and Staff. If you decide to not follow this code of conduct you will be asked to leave the game and possibly the season. By selecting the check box, you agree to follow this Code of Conduct during all Maricopa Team Sports. 


  1. Play for enjoyment, have fun! 
  2. Model great sportsmanship throughout the program to Coaches, Referees, Parents & Staff. 
  3. Be responsible for your behavior. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. 
  4. Give a 100% effort to better yourself and your team. 
  5. Respect Coaches, Staff & Referee’s decisions on and off the court/field. 
  6. Cooperate with your coach, teammates & opponents.
  7. Use encouraging words with teammates and opponents. Do not insult or speak negatively to anyone.
  8. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
  9. Respect and use all equipment appropriately.
  10. Refrain from using foul language and any violent behavior.
  11. Be respectful of the Referees, do not confront them directly or insult them if they miss calls. A lot of our referees are teens or new at refereeing, and they are progressing to become better as well. Please let your team’s Coach know if you think the referee needs to improve and do not confront them directly during the game. 

Parents / Spectators Code of Conduct: 

  1. Do not coach from the sidelines. Cheering on your player and team is encouraged, but doing the coaches’ job while you are a spectator is distracting to players, referees, and staff. 
  2. Remember that the sports are for the players’ enjoyment and development.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate social behavior without foul language or violence. 
  4. Respect the Coach, Staff & Referees’ decisions on and off the court/field.
  5. Congratulate all participants/teams upon their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.
  6. Remember, participants have different skill levels. Do not ridicule a participants’ or team’s mistakes/faults during practices or games. 
  7. Be respectful of the Referees, do not confront them directly or insult them if they miss calls. A lot of our referees are teens or new at refereeing, and they are progressing to become better as well. Please let your team’s Coach know if you think the referee needs to improve and do not confront them directly during the game.
  8. Stay positive, compassionate, and kind.