Team Picture FAQs
How do I order pictures?
1. All Ordering will be done online via private proof galleries. This is a "view before you buy" system.
2. Arrive ten minutes early, no paperwork required. Staff will direct you from there.
3. You will receive the link to your galleries 2-3 weeks after picture day.
When/how will my pictures be delivered?
You will receive the link to your galleries 2-3 weeks after picture day. Then you will receive your order in the mail within 3-5 business days of purchase. You can call 303-955-0375 with any ordering questions.
Where are team pictures taken?
Picture sessions are held inside at the Parker Fieldhouse Activity Rooms.
I can't attend my scheduled picture time, but I am available that same weekend, what do I do?
There will not be a formal team picture taken. Anyone that wants an individual picture but can't make the team's scheduled time or team isn't scheduling a time, just show up at the Parker Fieldhouse between the hours of 4:00-8:00PM on Friday the 24th or 8-4PM on Saturday the 25th.
Is there a make-up schedule for pictures?
No, there is no scheduled make-up days for pictures. If you still want a picture and are not able to make Friday or Saturday please contact Imagetek directly to see if they are able to schedule time with you individually.
**Please Note: Imagetek can NOT use an image from previous picture days to add to the team picture.
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