By-laws & Codes of Conduct

"Sportsmanship is our expectation"

League By-laws

The Redwood City After School Sports Program By-Laws are in place to ensure that every player and coach has a positive experience during their participation in our leagues. At the end of each school year, the By-Laws are discussed and, if necessary, amended to ensure that our league continues to uphold our mission. 

After School Sports Leagues By-laws

Coaches Code of Conduct

All coaches in the Redwood City After School Sports Program agree to teach and encourage proper rules of the game and follow the Coaches Code of Conduct. If a coach fails to uphold these standards and/or violates the Code of Conduct, the coach will be subject to sanctions set forth in the By-Laws, including, but are not limited to, ejection, suspension, and/or removal from any and all coaching duties.

Coaches Code of Conduct

Participant/Parent Code of Conduct

In order for a participant's registration to be complete, a parent or guardian must also sign a Code of Conduct form. The purpose of this form is to help ensure that parent(s) or guardian understands the behavior expectations our league has for spectators. Any violation of this Code of Conduct can result in sanctions including, but not limited to, being prohibited from attending any scheduled game or match.

Participant/Parent Code of Conduct