At the City of Richland we provide premier parks, public facilities, recreational activities and library services for our community. Every decision... made on behalf of the community will be to ensure that we are fiscally responsible and provide outstanding value.

The amenities provided by the City of Richland are such a stable influence in the lives of our citizens. We commit to providing the care and support required to keep them clean, safe and suitable for years to come.

When citizens get involved with their parks, library services and recreation systems, their quality of life improves. These programs encourage citizens to be engaged in their communities -- as volunteers, stewards, advocates and students. Our investment in our parks and facilities should reflect this importance. The health of our citizens, our community, our economy and our environment all benefit from our parks, recreational programs, public library and other city amenities.

Our Health

Access to parks and recreation facilities leads to healthy lifestyles for people of all ages. Activities in parks can build self-esteem, reduce stress and improve overall wellness.

Our Community

Parks and other public amenities give communities a vital identity. Well-maintained, accessible parks and recreation facilities are key elements of strong, safe, family-friendly communities.

Our Economy

Parks enhance property values, contribute to healthy and productive workforces and help attract and retain businesses.

Our Environment

Parks play a key role in preserving water and air quality, reducing congestion and protecting our natural resources and local wildlife. People learn about the environment firsthand in parks and take those lessons home with them.