Lightning and Inclement Weather Policy

Decisions on games that may change due to inclement weather will be determined as soon as possible prior to your scheduled game times. Updates will be posted on  Teamsideline. The Richland Parks and Rec staff will contact coaches if any delays or cancellations occur.


Tips for HOT Weather

Tips for hot weather conditions, please remember the following:
- Take frequent rest and water breaks.
- Drink water before you are thirsty. By the time you are thirsty, you are already
- Wear light, loose fitting clothing made of breathable fabric light in color.
- Listen to your body. Stop if you feel chest pain, dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseated.  


Youth Basketball- Richland School District Facility Use

When the Richland School District cancels classes for the day, all practices and activities for those facilities will be cancelled as well.