2025 Adult Kickball Leagues - Co-Ed
Remember when you were in elementary school and it was time for recess and the big kickball game? Why not get a team together and relive that fun time? Games are scheduled at 6:15 pm, 7:05 pm, 7:55 pm, 8:45 pm and 9:30 pm based on a ten-team schedule.
16+ Th 5/18 - 8/14 Buchner Park
No games on Thursday July 3rd
$460 100% City of Waukesha Resident
$480 Non-City of Waukesha Resident
Team Registration Process
Completed Team Entry contract and $200 Team Entry Fee are required to register for the league. Listed below are the ways to sign up a team:
Adult Kickball Registration Info: Adult Kickball Registration Info - 2025
Adult Kickball Team Contract: Adult Kickball Team Contract - 2025
- In Person In person registration is available at the WPRF Aviation Office, 1900 Aviation Dr. Monday-Friday (8:00am -4:30pm). Team Entry Contract and Payment must be made at time of registration. Teams will have the option to pay the full team fees (Entry and Player fees) or to only pay the Entry Fee with an automatic payment plan set up for Player fees at time of registration by placing a credit card on file that will be automatically charged for any remaining fees as of 4/28/25.
- Mail/ Email/Drop Box- Email completed Team Entry Contract to semanuel@waukesha-wi.gov. After team has been added, an email will be sent confirming registration and payer will be asked to complete payment processes with in 3 business days of registration. Teams will have the option to pay the full team fees (Entry and Player fees) or to only pay the Entry fee with an automatic payment plan set up for Player fees at time of registration. This will be done by placing a credit card on file that will be automatically charged for any remaining fees as of 4/28/25. Payment can be made by phone, in person, or through your online account.
- Online Registration –When using the online registration (https://www.waukesha-wi.gov/government/departments/activity-guide.php), select the correct league, then create an account or sign into your account. Teams will have the option to pay the full team fees (Entry and Player fees) or to only pay the Entry fee with an automatic payment plan set up for Player fees at time of registration. This will be done by placing a credit card on file that will be automatically charged for any remaining fees as of 4/28/25.
A. The first payment must be made within 3 business days of registration. Unpaid fees by that time will result in forfeiting the teams spot in the league and teams will need to re-register.
B. Players fees can be paid at time of registration and prior to automatic payment plan pull date (4/28/25). Any remaining balance will automatically be changed to the card on file on 4/28/25 at 12:01am.
C. If unpaid balances on teams remain on 4/29/25 due to card decline or other, teams will be removed from the league and ineligible to play.
Contract without proper payment will not be processed or “held”. WPRF is not responsible for delayed mail delivery. Make sure you receive a receipt within 2 business days, if not please call us.
Returning: 12/6 - 3/31 @ 11:59 PM
New Teams: 12/16 - 3/31 @ 11:59 PM
ROSTER DUE: 4/27 @ 11:59 PM (Online only)
Maximum of 20 players per roster. Players added after the first game is $20.00 per player.