3 vs 3 Outdoor basketball league
City of Northglenn's 3 vs 3 basketball league is offered to the youth in grades 3rd-8th. Team consist of no more than 5 players per team. Only 3 players are allowed on the court at a time. Games will played on half court with the score being kept by 1's & 2's. First team to reach 15 points & win by 2 will be declared the winner with a cap of 20 points.
Grades: 3rd-8thGender: Co-edTimes: 6:15-7:30Dates: June 17-July 22 Tuesdays NightsLocation: Alvin B. Thomas ParkFee: $55 Residents/ $65 Non-ResidentsClick here to registerRules
Contact Roman Ortega for any other questions Rortega@northglenn.org