Volleyball Program
The City of Northglenn partners with the Colorado Association of Recreational Athletics (CARA) to offer both fall and spring volleyball opportunities. Teams are divided up based on grade level, 2-4, 5/6 and 7/8 and these teams compete against other recreation agencies. Participants practice twice a week, and teams practice on Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays. Seasons consist of 2 to 3 Saturday tournaments which are held at different locations in the Denver Metro area.

Grades: 2nd-4th/ 5th-6th/ 7th/8th
Gender: Coed
Times: 4:30 pm-5:30
Dates: Practices begin the week of August 12th
Location: Northglenn Recreation Center
Fee: $85 Residents/ $102 Non-Residents
Click here to register