Free Agent List BB

By signing up for Boise Parks and Recreation’s adult league free agent list, you are agreeing that your contact information can be shared with league captains for potential inclusion on a team. However, it does not guarantee you will be picked up. Your name will remain on the free agent list for one calendar year (you must re-sign up to continue on the list into the future). Please note, any and all communications and payments to play on a team are the sole responsibility of the player and coordinated through the team captain. If you have questions about the free agent list, please contact the Adult Sports team at

First and Last Name
Phone number
Division(s) Requested
Please describe which divisions you'd like to play in. Ex: competitive men's, recreational coed, etc.
Previous Experience
Please tell us about your experience with the sport. Ex: played in college, have 5 years recreational experience, etc.
Preferred Position
Tell us if you have a preferred position or specialized experience

Required Fields