U18 Guardian Waiver

By completing and submitting this form, I give permission for my child to participate in a Boise Parks & Recreation adult sport league. I further acknowledge that the listed player is 16 years of age or older OR 14 years of age or older if playing Sunday Coed Softball. By submitting this form, I agree to the following Personal Release Statement: I understand that the registered activities and services may have an element of hazard of inherent danger and I take full responsibility for my child's actions and physical condition. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Boise and its employees from any liability loss, cost, or expense (including attorney's fees, medical and ambulance costs) that my child may incur while participating in the recreation activities. I give my consent to use any photographs or videotapes taken of my child in future promotional or marketing materials. 
Team Name
Team Captain's Name
Player's Name
Guardian's Name
Guardian's Phone Number
Guardian's Email
Required Fields