Florissant, Missouri
A yearly CYC Membership fee is required to register for all CYC programs. You will be asked to upload a photo during registration. The cost is $5 and will be added to your cart during registration, if you have not already paid the annual fee for this school year.
Boys & Girls
Late registration will go to 07/31/2024
Registration is Closed
CYC Basketball (Prek-8th Grade) $100
Registration 09/01-09/30
Registration is closed
CYC Baseball/Softball (Prek-8th Grade) $100
Registration 01/01-02/01
Registration closes 04/01 with $20 late fee after 02/01
CYC Track and Field (1st-8th Grade) $50
CYC NW Little League Golf (2nd-4th Grade)$55
CYC NW Big League Golf (5th-8th Grade)$75
Contact the St Norbert Athletic Association
March 21-24, 2025. Click link above for your coupon!