Florissant, Missouri
A yearly CYC Membership fee is required to register for all CYC programs. You will be asked to upload a photo during registration. The cost is $5 and will be added to your cart during registration, if you have not already paid the annual fee for this school year.
Boys & Girls
Late registration will go to 07/31/2024
Registration is Closed
CYC Basketball (Prek-8th Grade) $100
Registration 09/01-09/30
Registration is closed
CYC Baseball/Softball (Prek-8th Grade) $100
Registration 01/01-02/01
Registration closes 04/01 with $20 late fee after 02/01
CYC Track and Field (1st-8th Grade) $50
CYC NW Little League Golf (2nd-4th Grade)$55
CYC NW Big League Golf (5th-8th Grade)$75
Contact the St Norbert Athletic Association
Please join us this weekend in recognizing our many basketball officials and their contribution to CYC sports!
We are also appreciative to our referee coordinators and trainers at each parish who put in many hours on the courts to educate and better our officials.