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Game: Immaculate Conception-Old Monroe ICOM-5MB2-SWesthoff vs. St Cletus SCLT-5MB2-Florek (IC Old Monroe Gym)
5MB2 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, IC Old Monroe Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: Immaculate Conception-Old Monroe ICOM-5FB2-Gorski vs. Sts Joachim and Ann SJ&A-5FB2-Galvan (IC Old Monroe Gym)
5FB2 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, IC Old Monroe Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: Immaculate Conception-Old Monroe ICOM-3FC3-Galkowski vs. Assumption-OFallon ASMPO-3FC3-Moore (IC Old Monroe Gym)
3FC3 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt, IC Old Monroe Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: Immaculate Conception-Old Monroe ICOM-5FB2-Gorski vs. St Theodore STHEO-5FB2-Kiel (IC Old Monroe Gym)
5FB2 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, IC Old Monroe Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)