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Game: St Norbert SN-7FA-Mack vs. Incarnate Word IW-7FA-Wientge (St Rose PD Gym)
7FA - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St Ferdinand SFER-7MB1-Palliser vs. Sacred Heart-Florissant SHFL-7MB1-Jetton (St Rose PD Gym)
7MB1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta BTC-8FA-Ketterer vs. St Patrick SPAT-8FA-Dunn (St Rose PD Gym)
8FA - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: Sacred Heart-Florissant SHFL-6MC1-Mayfield vs. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta BTC-6MC1-Knapp (St Rose PD Gym)
6MC1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: St Norbert SN-7MA1-Henderson vs. St Gerard Majella SGM-7MA1-Mooney (St Rose PD Gym)
7MA1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St Ferdinand SFER-6MB1-Nord vs. Incarnate Word IW-6MB1-Renaud (St Rose PD Gym)
6MB1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Rose PD Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)