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Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5MC1-Kendrick vs. Holy Infant HIN-5MC1-Shank (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5MC1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5FC-Sotiriou vs. Kirk Day School KDS-5FC-Kennedy (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5FC - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5MA1-Mess vs. Ascension ASC-5MA1-Rhodes (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5MA1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5FB1-Elking vs. Holy Infant HIN-5FB1-Kenney (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5FB1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5MC1-Kendrick vs. St Monica SMON-5MC1-Walker (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5MC1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (7:05PM-8:05PM)
Game: St Gerard Majella SGM-5MA1-Mess vs. St Clement SCLM-5MA1-Krummel (St Gerard Majella Gym)
5MA1 - _2025 CYC NW Basketball 5th-8th
Crt, St Gerard Majella Gym (8:10PM-9:10PM)