The 2025 Field Draft Matrix is posted below and being updated as we get tournament applications and league schedules. Please review the matrix, and let the Team Sports Office know if there are any discrepancies, and we will work to revise it. This schedule is subject to change based on the number of Reciprocal Use Agreements the City of Lincoln has in place to facilitate programs. These agreements must be accommodated first, as well as honoring long-standing tournaments and programs that have developed a historical standing with the City.

2025 Field Draft Matrix (3/24/25)

Field Abbreviations: APW - Air Park (N. Field), Ark - Arkfeld (Air Park S. Field), Ball - Ballard, Coop - Cooper, Den 3 & 4 - Densmore 3 & 4, Jen E & W - Jensen East & West, Pete E & W - Peterson East & West, SBE & SBW - Standing Bear East & West, Saw N & S - Sawyer Snell North & South, UNI - University Place.

Here is the key for the colors on the matrices: Green = Lincoln Parks & Rec. Leagues; Red = Jr. Saltdogs; Blue = Babe Ruth - Cal Ripken; Yellow = Tournaments; Purple = NWU.

Ballfield maintenance videos can be accessed using the hyperlink below:

Below are additional documents providing information relevant to field use; amenities; tournament procedures; and permits.

2025 Ballfield Manual

Ballfield User Expectations

2025 Post Field Draft - Filed Use Information

Athletic Field Use Application

Special Use Permit

Permit to Conduct Business

Field Rental Regulations

Tournament Process & Procedures:

Tournament Procedures Timeline

Tournament Checklist

*As with the last few seasons, each organization will have to provide insurance documentation (Certificate & Endorsement) listing the City as "Additional Insured / Certificate Holder" with their teams, and any tournaments being organized, that use City fields for play. An agreement similar to that used in the past will also be required of organizations using drafted fields for practices and games.

For those of you looking for the link to the City of Lincoln Warning of Risker Waiver and Release, here is the link:

Warning of Risk Waiver and Release