Mesa Tennis & Pickleball Center (MTPC)

Weather Info & Protocol for Leagues

(Rain, Lightning, Wind, & Heat)

The safety of players at MTPC and our ability to organize effective programming may be affected by the weather.

MTPC programming may be cancelled/rescheduled due to court conditions when the MTPC staff determines the conditions are unsafe or too harsh for enjoyment or productive learning. Any time a coach determines the environment is unsafe or unable to support the program’s objectives, activities may be cancelled/rescheduled. We strive to provide registered participants notification of status for our programs as early as possible. Our goal is notify players at least 1 hour before programming starts but depending on the sudden changes in the weather, this may not be possible.

Weather cancellations may come via text and/or email. You can also call 480-644-3873 or check this website:

Please note if any MTPC programming does get cancelled due to inclement weather, the class will be made up at a future date and customers will be notified via text/email and the info will be posted online here: -- It can take up to 1 week for a class/league/tournament to be reschedule due to the multitude of components involved.

If MTPC staff decide to close the facility due to inclement weather customers can email to reschedule their court rental reservation for a future date/time. 

If a program is in progress when bad weather strikes, forcing the MTPC staff to cancel that program, the programming will not be made up if 51% or more was completed when it had to be stopped.


Playing in the wind is a normal fact of life for outdoor tennis/pickleball/sand volleyball play and conquering the effects of wind in your mind is the first step to play better in the wind. However, windy conditions can be so extreme as to inhibit learning or a match environment. 

We do not cancel matches/classes due to wind unless it's 25+mph(Tennis) or 20+mph(Pickleball).

The websites we use to check wind speeds are:



Rain causes slick courts and is one of the most common reasons to cancel offerings.

We do not cancel classes, leagues, rentals etc due to the forecast, only if it is in fact raining. We work to only cancel based on actual conditions as much as possible.

Wet courts generally take hours to dry. With bright sun and a breeze non-puddling courts may dry in a couple hours, or less on low humidity. On a cloudy humid day, courts may take 3 to 5 hours to dry, or longer. If it rains but dries up, play can resume. The ultimate test to decide if a court is dry/safe enough for play is to check the white lines of the court. If those lines are slick at all then the court is not safe. If there are puddles on the court it is not ok for play.  

To help our courts dry faster MTPC has rol-dri squeegees(that can be used by staff & customers) and blowers(to be used by staff only). These are stored in our shed by court 16.


If lightning has struck less than 6 miles away in the last 30 minutes then play should immediately stop. Play cannot resume until there has not been a strike within 6 miles for a total of 30 minutes.

We use the website below to check how far away lightning is:


It is the player’s responsibility to protect themselves from the rays of the sun. We recommend water bottles, hats, sunglasses, and UV protective clothing, as well as an appropriate sunscreen of at least SPF 30 applied liberally to exposed skin. Players are responsible for dressing for athletics and the weather. MTPC has shade, misting fans and an indoor pro shop available to help with heat index mitigation.

Heat index (temperature and humidity) and air quality index are both used as criteria to evaluate the need to modify levels of physical activity, or possibly curtail them altogether. Children, older adults, and people with heart or lung disease/issues are particularly prone to the effects of heat and air quality. Children suffer thermal stress more than adults due to their ratio of relative surface area-to-body size. MTPC staff may modify, cancel, or reschedule the programming based on the unhealthy conditions. In the warm weather months, we try to make go/no-go decisions on actual conditions, striving for at least an hour in advance of the program’s start time.