Skills Checklist for Tee Ball, Rookie, and Farm Divisions

Here is a checklist of skills to teach Tee Ball, Rookie and Farm players throughout the season. Players will progress at different rates. The goal is for all players to perform these skills before advancing to the Minor Division.

General Knowledge

  • Names of the defensive positions
  • Names of the bases
  • Infield v. Outfield
  • Proper direction to run the bases
  • Purpose of base coaches
  • Batting Order
  • Object on offense is to hit the ball, advance to each base safely, and to touch home plate to score a run. (Teams score runs, not points.)
  • Object on defense is to touch a base or tag a runner while holding the ball


  • Have fun
  • Try hard - give best effort at every practice and every game
  • It's okay to make mistakes
  • Be a good sport - treat teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and parents with respect
  • Cheer for your teammates



  • Grip - 4 seam (2 or 3 fingers)
  • Thumb under the ball
  • Position entire body perpendicular to target (shoulders, hips, and feet)
  • Look at target throughout the throw
  • Point glove shoulder and elbow toward target
  • Step directly toward target
  • Arm moves in a circle
  • Elbow above shoulder/hand above head
  • Rotate and follow through with hips, legs, and arm


  • Square/facing the person throwing the ball
  • Both hands in front of the body, with arms relaxed and extended slightly toward the ball
  • Keep eyes on the ball
  • Step to/get in front of the ball
  • Catch with two hands
  • Bend the elbows to aborb the force of the throw
  • Watch the ball in the glove and squeeze it

Playing Catch

  • By the time players finish Farm Ball, the goal is to be able to play catch at a distance of 60 feet (the distance between bases).

Ground Balls

  • Get in front of the ball
  • Feet shoulder width or wider
  • Bend knees and drop behind to the ground (limit bending at the waist)
  • Extend glove in front of body
  • Keep throwing hand close to glove (alligator)
  • Watch ball in the glove
  • Grab the ball with throwing hand
  • Throw the ball to the target

Fly Balls

  • Sprint to ball (do not coast or drift)
  • Get under the ball
  • Call it - "I got it!"
  • Catch with two hands


Hitting a baseball is the most difficult skill to master in baseball. Break it down as follows:


  • Grip the bat firmly (don’t squeeze or death grip)
  • Hold hands together above the knob
  • Hold bat with fingers (not deep in palms)
  • Middle knuckles generally lined up


  • Body perpendicular to pitcher
  • Feet comfortably wider than shoulders
  • Toes straight ahead toward the plate (or slightly pigeon-toed)
  • Knees slightly bent with weight centered on the balls of the feet
  • Upper body bent slightly at the waist
  • Hands (not elbows) up.
  • Elbows out from the body and flexed, pointing toward the ground (Never tell a kid to put his elbow or elbows up.)
  • Head turned toward the pitcher.
  • Eyes on the ball


  • Eyes on the ball
  • Move hands up and back (in a backwards "C" motion)


  • Eyes on the ball
  • Take small step with front foot directly toward the pitcher


  • Eyes on the ball
  • Head down
  • Swing slightly downward
  • Hands first (lead with the knob)
  • Extend arms through the ball
  • Follow through

Exiting the Box

  • Do not watch the ball
  • Set the bat down safely
  • Run to first base
  • Listen to base coach

Base Running

  • Before the pitch, keep one foot on the base and lean forward toward the next base
  • When the batters hits the ball, use the base to push off
  • Look at the base you are running toward (not the ball)
  • Watch the runner in front
  • Touch every base
  • Know where ball is
  • Listen to the base coach


  • Sliding feet-first is allowed at all levels of Little League.
  • Encourage sliding by players who demonstrate the physical ability to do so.
  • Very few players in Tee Ball will slide. By the time they reach Farm, most players should be sliding. It is a very important skill by the time players reach the Minor Division.


  • Baseball ready every pitch
  • Catch ground balls and step on or throw to base
  • Tagging a runner with the ball (ball in glove or ball in throwing hand with hand in glove)
  • Receiving balls from the outfield at second base


  • Baseball ready every pitch
  • Outfielders should learn to throw the ball to second base every time


  • Teams do not have to use a catcher
  • In Tee Ball, catchers must wear a catcher's mask with dangling throat protector. Shin guards and a chest protector are not required.
  • In Rookie and Farm Ball, catchers must wear a catcher's mask with dangling throat protector, shin guards, chest protector, and protective cup.
  • In Tee Ball, catchers should stand behind and away from home plate until the ball is hit.
  • After the ball is hit, the catcher should take a position just in front of home plate, ready to catch a throw.