Major Baseball Rules

The Official Little League Rules and Regulations for Baseball Divisions apply. The following highlights those rules and makes modifications as determined appropriate by the SEPLL Board of Directors and Oregon District #2.


A regulation game consists of 6 innings. (LL Rules, VII(h), 4.10(a)). If a scheduled game follows, no new inning may start after two hours of play unless the score is tied. (LL Rules, X(c)) NOTE: An inning begins the moment the defensive team makes the third out of the prior inning.

Ten-run rule is in effect. (LL Rules, 4.10(e))


All SEPLL teams must use a continuous batting order, meaning that the entire rosters of players present must be placed in the batting order. (LL Rules, 2.0, Batting Order; 4.04, Note 1, Note 2)

District #2 requires teams to bat a line-up or roster batting order as prescribed by their individual league’s by-laws. Regardless of the opposing team’s method, each team will utilize the manner of batting order as mandated by their own league.

There is no on-deck circle allowed in Little League. Under no circumstances shall any player have a bat in hand until the player is wearing a Little League approved batting helmet, an adult is immediately present, and it is time for the player to bat. (LL Rules, 1.08, Note 1)

Only the first batter of each half-inning is permitted outside the dugout between half-innings.  (LL Rules, 1.08, Note 2)

Bat boys and bat girls are not permitted.  (LL Rules III(b))


SEPLL takes Little League’s pitch limit rules seriously and will strictly enforce them. Please refer to Section VI of the Little League Rules and Regulations for Baseball Divisions. 

During the regular season, adults may warm up pitchers at the plate, in the bullpen, or between innings. If the catcher is not ready, another player with a mask may warm up the pitcher. (LL Rules, 3.09)


A coach or team parent must be in the dugout with the players at all times.  (LL Rules XIV(d); 4.05(2))


The home team is responsible for providing a plate umpire. The visiting team is strongly encouraged to provide a base umpire.

Umpires shall warn or disqualify, with or without a warning, any player for any conduct which presents a safety hazard.  This includes losing control of or intentionally throwing bats or helmets, among other actions. Umpires shall have discretion to assess the penalty deemed appropriate given the circumstances.