Pickleball Ladder Leagues
Welcome to The Township Pickleball Ladder Leagues Homepage. Here you can find all the important information pertaining to the league such as: Registration, Season Start Dates, Rules, Score Submission, and FAQ's.
Ladder League Rules
Ladder Score Submission
Men's Spring I - Final Standings
Mixed Spring I - Final Standings
Women's Fall II - Final Standings
Women's Spring I - CANCELLED
If you need a sub for ladder play please reach out to someone on the Sub List - Pickleball Ladder. Please remember it is a participants responsibility to find their own sub.
Upcoming Leagues:
Men's 2025 Spring II
2025 Mixed Doubles Spring I
Join the PB Ladder League Sub List
Other Events:
May the 4th Pickleball Tournament - Join us for a Sunday morning of pickleball fun! Grab a partner and together, use the power of the force for this friendly tournament on 5/4!
TWT Ladder Weekday Tournament Series - New this Fall! Grab a partner and join us on a Tuesday morning for a few hours of pickleball fun. This series will include (4) one day tournaments on the first Tuesday of May at the Bear Branch Multi-use court.
Family Pickleball Night! - NEW! Looking for an easy introduction into pickleball, or maybe just looking for something fun for the family? Join us for our family friendly pickleball night. This night is designed to be a safe place for kids to come and experience the sport with pickleball by playing with parents or other kids! There is no set format for this program, but nets will be set up to create a safe and encouraging environment. Nets will be provided as well as having some paddles (limited supply) and balls available to borrow. Come give pickleball a try with the family!
If you have any questions about leagues please call (281) 210-3950 or email us pickleball@thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov