Can my child be placed on a team with his friends from school?

It is the intent of the league to balance teams throughout the league by age, without regard for schools or neighborhoods of residence.Therefore, the league does not honor requests for special placement of players on teams.


What if my child plays soccer and we have schedule conflicts with baseball?

Children (and their parents), today, have many activities to participate in. Baseball, being a team sport, depends on the unity of a team and commitment of each player on the team. Prior to registering, please consider the amount of time you and your child can invest. Attendance is expected at team practices and league games, understanding that summer is the time for family activities. Players will not be penalized because they have missed practice. The rules of the league ensure equal playing time for all members in all positions.


When will I know what team the player is assigned to? 

Teams are chosen and announced within one week of registration closing. During the registration process, returning players can elect not to return to their previous team. Otherwise, returning players will stay with their previous team.  


 When does practice start?

Practice starts the first week in May and are two days a week on various fields. Practices are either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday with some Fridays in the schedule.  There are a number of variables in determining schedules, such as number of teams and field availability. Many of the practices are held at the same field the games are played, as listed below. 


Where are the games played?

The league uses a number of fields throughout Wauwatosa including city and county parks, Wisconsin Avenue Park, Brietlow Fields, Longfellow, Underwood, Whitman Schools and Cooper Park. 


 When are the games?

Generally, our league calendar is published on the web site and all families receive game schedules in the middle of May. Games begin during the first week of June. All teams will play 2 times per week at various fields. Depending on the number of teams, we try to have games Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are some Fridays because of the number of fields available. Games played during the week begin at 6:00 p.m. Typically once games start practices end - there maybe additional practices it is coaches discretion.  


When are makeup games scheduled?

Saturdays are typically reserved for make up games. The day of the week when the rain out happened will determine what time the game will be rescheduled for on Saturday.


How can I volunteer to help out in the league?

There are many ways to lend a hand that don’t require you to quit your day job. Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Opening Day, events throughout the season.


 Who is eligible to play in Tosa Baseball and Faspitch League?

We welcome all players from the surrounding communities to play in the league. 


My child will turn 7 after September 1st. Can he still play?

Unfortunately, your child will have to wait an extra season before playing in the league. All players must be 6 years old by the beginning of season's year.


Do we need a special baseball uniform?

Tosa Baseball will provide all players with a uniform shirt and baseball which are theirs to keep at the end of the season. Parents are responsible for purchasing plain, white or gray, uniform baseball pants, belt and socks. 


What equipment does my child need? 

A baseball glove and footwear! Either baseball or soccer cleats are just fine. All bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher’s gloves, pads and helmets are league issued. Players may only use their own bats and helmets, they will also be supplied within the team bag.  with the exception of baseball gloves and shoes.


What are the registration fees used for?

The fees are used to pay for the following items: Field Maintenance, Field Rental, Uniforms, Equipment, Umpires, League Software, Insurance, Credit Card Processing, Trophies, and other expenses borne by the league. 


Why is there a volunteer fee?

The volunteer fee is assessed on a family basis. The fee is used to encourage volunteers to participate in the league events. The family fee will be reimbursed, in the form of a check or Venmo from the league, after 5 hours of service is completed.   All coaches, assistant coaches and managers will receive a refund for volunteering. There will be other opportunities throughout the year for volunteerism: Uniform Day, parade etc..