Code of Conduct

 All coaches, players and fans must adhere to the Tosa Baseball and Fastpitch Code of Conduct.

Coaches should...  

  • Maintain discipline without becoming authoritarian. 
  • Teach by example.  
  • Diminish the idea of the star.  
  • Treat umpires and opponents as honest in intention.  
  • Accept umpires’ decisions without looking angry no matter how unfair they may seem.  
  • Treat winning as desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game.  
  • Prevent his players or his coaches from making derogatory remarks, use profanity, obscene gestures, threats or physical force directed toward any game official, other players, or spectators. This will not be tolerated by the League and will be dealt with harshly.  

Each participant, coach, and fan....  

  • Will consider all athletic opponents as guests and treat them with all of the courtesy due 
    to friends and guests. 
  • Will accept all decisions of officials without question.  
  • Will never hiss or boo a player or official.  
  • Will never utter abusive or irritating remarks from the sidelines.  
  • Will applaud opponents who make good plays or show good sportsmanship.  
  • Will seek to win by fair and lawful means, according to the rules of the game.  
  • Will love the game for its own sake and not for what winning may bring to him.  
  • Will “Do unto others as he would have them do unto him”.  
  • Will not incite, or try to incite by word or sign, a demonstration by spectators.  
  • Will not use language which will in any way refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire, or spectators.  
  • Will believe in the honesty of your opponents.  
  • Will conduct yourself with honor and dignity.  
  • Will have the ability to resist frustration, face stress with logic, and accept failurintelligently.