CARA Track is Colorado's premier Recreation Track Program.  Recreation agencies from around the state of Colorado offer this program so young athletes ages 3-16 can participate in a healthy summer activity. Participants are put into heats by gender and age.  All participants get a ribbon for each heat.  Participants can try different events each week or just stick with their favorites.  There are 3 divisions: Northern, Metro, and Southern. The season concludes with a State Meet where divisions compete together.

Parents and Participants: Contact your local Parks & Recreation agency to register!

Ages:  3-16
Gender: Coed
Level of Play: Recreational
Rules:  CARA Track Rules
Schedules: See Divisions below. No Pets allowed at meets! Meets listed in Red will charge a $3 Gate Fee. Please bring exact cash.
Additional Information: Parent/Spectator Education | Metro/Northern Schedule of Events | Finish Line Volunteer for Metro/Northern Division Assignments 

Northern Division

Metro Division

Southern Division

Current Season
Length:  June - July
Meets:  June 14, June 21, June 28, & July 12
State Meet:  July 19 - JeffCo Stadium in Lakewood | $3 Gate Fee
Practice: Each team will implement their own practice schedule, most beginning on June 1st
**Please be aware that all agencies will be required to run an event at each meet.  In addition to that, all agencies will  be required to provide 1 staff person (coach, trusted volunteer, agency staff) who will serve as staff on the track during the meet.  These people will be responsible for handing out ribbons at the finish line, gate keeping to keep parents off the track, and any other areas that the Meet Director or Coach Chairperson deems necessary during the meet.  As outlined in the rules, failure to provide this person during the meet will result in a $50 fine payable to the host agency for the first offense, $100 for the 2nd offense, and $250 for the 3rd as well as your agency possibly being placed on CARA probation.  

Team Registration
Cost: (see table below) Host agencies will receive a credit for 100% of the team fee to offset meet expenses.  Co-Hosting agencies will receive a 50% discount.
Register a Team: Link coming soon Team Registration deadline: May 23rd


# of Team ParticipantsFee


Days Paid after Due DateFee
14 Days$25
21 Days$50
30 Days$75
31 Days or Later$150 before team can register for the following year

Participant Registration

Participants can register at their local Parks & Recreation agency or with other local participating teams.