Softball Council Entry

Join your Softball Players Advisory Council!  These are your leagues we are operating.  We want players to have a voice for proposed changes to the league.

The Softball Players Advisory Council will be comprised of a group of current players and managers.  The members will attend Zoom meetings to discuss provided topics.  The NCPRD Softball Coordinator will serve as the League representative and help facilitate discussion and answer questions.

First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Street, City, State, Zip Code
Primary Phone
Primary Divsion
Primary division of play with NCPRD.
Primary Team
Role on Team
# of Years / Seasons
How many years or season have you been participating with NCPRD Adult Softball?
Division Representative Info
Why are you interested in serving as a representative?
Availability to Participate
Describe your availability to participate? We anticipate weeknights, 7:30pm or later via Zoom.

Required Fields