VSA Swim & Dive Association- Summer 2024

Program Overview
Vestavia Swim and Dive Association is a summer swim and dive program in Vestavia Hills, AL. Children ages 5-18 are eligible to participate in the summer swim and dive program if able to swim 25 yards independently. Cost is $200 for swim and dive, which includes a swim cap and a t-shirt. The Vestavia Swim and Dive Association is run by a volunteer board and a part of the Vestavia Parks and Recreation. If you are interested in being a part of the board, please contact vestaviaswim@gmail.com
Registration dates: April 1- June 15, 2024
Swim Evaluations: Thursday, May 16, 2024 and Friday, May 17, 2024 from 4-6 at the Vestavia Aquatic Complex.
Swim Groups:
Minnows- no swim team experience- able to swim somewhat but not 25 yards yet.
Guppies- new to swimming- able to swim 25 yards, but does not know strokes.
Turtles-beginner swimmers-able to swim 25 yards easily but only knows 1-2 strokes.
Dolphins- intermediate swimmers-swim easily for a longer distance, knows 3-4 strokes, working on technique and improving speed.
Sharks- Advanced swimmers- know all the strokes, able to swim long distances with ease, and has participated in swim team for multiple summers.
Dates for Summer Swim & Dive: May 30- July 31, 2024
Daily Swim Team Practice Schedule (depending on child’s evaluation):
7:00-7:30 Minnows/Guppies
7:00-8:00 Dolphins
7:30-8:00 Minnows/Guppies
8:00-9:00 Turtles
8:30-10:00 Sharks
Daily Dive Practice Schedule (you may select the option that best fits schedule)
Practice Days: Monday-Friday mornings at the Vestavia Hills Aquatic Complex (VHAC). There will be a few Fridays where there will be no coaches due to away swim meets, you will be notified as soon as possible of those dates.
Swim Meets: Tuesday evenings at clubs throughout the Birmingham area. The swim meet schedule will be released by the JSSC (Jefferson Shelby Swim Council) closer to the start of the swim season.
Dive Meets: Typically Wednesday or Thursday nights throughout the summer. The schedule will be determined prior to the start of the swim season.
Swim Communication:
We communicate through email and the Remind App. If your child is registered with VSA, then you should automatically receive emails from us.
The swim team email address is vestaviaswim@gmail.com
In order to receive swim team texts for swim team, please subscribe to the Remind App and activate it by sending a text to 81010 and type this message:
For last names ending in A-M, type @vsa2024a
For last names ending in N-Z, type @vsa2024n
The dive team email address is vestaviadive@gmail.com
In order to receive texts for dive team, please subscribe to the Remind App and activate it by sending a text to 81010 and type this message:
This will be used when info needs to get out quickly, like a canceled practice, and for reminders.
Please check the remind app and the VSA website FAQ’s before sending emails. The answer is often out there, but if not, please do not hesitate to reach out.