1. All leagues must register with Vestavia Hills Parks and Leisure Services (VHPLS). A league will be defined as a group of at least 8 individuals who wish to compete individually, or in doubles competition, against other leagues or teams in the surrounding area. All registered leagues must be comprised of at least 50% Vestavia Hills residents in order to qualify and reserve space. Individual members must register with VHPLS and identify which league team they are playing with. The league fee will be $300 per team, per quarter (3 months). A list of all team members must be presented to VHPLS, and all fees paid, prior to court being reserved.
2. Membership dues must be paid in full, seven days prior to court reservation date.
3. League play will be given priority during the week (no weekends) from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm in four- hour increments.
4. Leagues may reserve up to five days, per quarter for competition. One day per week is the maximum number of times the league may reserve courts per quarter.
5. Without reservations, all practice will be done on a first come, first serve basis like all other residents.
6. Failure to follow court or park rules will result in cancellation of the league/team and forfeiture of all fees paid.
7. All league reservation dates must be submitted to the VHPLS Department and will be reserved by the department.
Please contact the Department at 205-978-0166 for more information.