Soccer Holy Redeemer

Use this field to cancel or reschedule soccer games at Holy Redeemer.  The form should be used for one game only.  It can be used for both the cancellation and reschedule of the game if the same field is being used.

Games NOT canceled before 5:00 PM on the Monday preceding the weekend, are scored as a forfeit for the requesting team and the game cannot be rescheduled.  This is because the scheduled officials are reimbursed.

Games canceled BEFORE 5:00 PM on the Monday preceding the weekend are scored as a forfeit for the requesting team but the game can be rescheduled causing the forfeit to be removed.

Completion of this form causes the information to be emailed to the field manager so the field manager is aware of any cancellations promptly.

If the field for the cancellation and reschedule are different, you will need to complete a second form for the reschedule so an email is sent to the field manager for the requested field for the reschedule.

You will receive an email confirming placement of the game.

Do not submit this form for a reschedule unless both coaches agree on the selected slot for the reschedule.


Reason for Cancellation and/or Reschedule
Category for Reason
Assign category for reason for cancellation and/or re-schedule.
Requesting Team
Cut and paste from schedule. Team name from schedule which gives organization, coach last name, and division.
Other Team
Cut and paste from a schedule. Team name from schedule which gives organization, coach last name, and division.
Cancellation Date
Open the calendar popup.
If you are canceling a game at this field, indicate the date and start time.
Cancellation Time
Time if canceling game on this field.
Resched Date
Open the calendar popup.
If rescheduling a game on this field, indicate date and time where you saw the field was available.
Resched Time
Resched Other Info
If you are rescheduling a game, you can indicate information here such as other times that will work for the two teams on the same field.
Other Coach Email
Please provide email for opposing coach so the coach receives a copy of this information.
Your Email
Please indicate your email so the field manager has it for subsequent emails.

Required Fields