Bb SacHeartVP 1

Use this form to cancel or reschedule basketball games at Sacred Heart Valley Park 1.  The form should be used for one game only.  It can be used for both the cancellation and reschedule of the game if the same gym is being used.

Even if you do not have a solution to a reschedule for a game, we ask that you submit cancellation requests promptly opening up the slot to be used for another game.

Games NOT canceled before 5:00 PM on the Monday preceding the weekend, are scored as a forfeit for the requesting team and the game cannot be rescheduled.  This is because the scheduled officials are reimbursed.

Games canceled BEFORE 5:00 PM on the Monday preceding the weekend are scored as a forfeit for the requesting team but the game can be rescheduled causing the forfeit to be removed.

Completion of this form causes the information to be emailed to the gym manager so the gym manager is aware of any cancellations promptly.

If the gym for the cancellation and reschedule are different, you will need to complete a second form for the reschedule so an email is sent to the gym manager for the requested gym for the reschedule.

A requested reschedule is placed on the schedule when the email created from the submission of this form is forwarded by the gym manager to the scheduler indicating confirmation of the reschedule.  That email is



This form is no longer available.