Adult Kickball Manager's Cheat Sheet


  • Teams must provide one properly inflated - beautiful bright red, blue, yellow or orange 8.5-inch kickball.

Time Limit:

  • Regulation games last nine (9) full innings or 55 minutes, whichever comes first.

Tie Games:

  • Will remain a tie. However, another inning may be played if time permits. (See Time Limit)

Ball and Strikes:

  • 3 balls, 2 strikes
  • No courtesy foul- Kicker must kick ball fair on second strike

Run Rule:

  • There will be a 7-run rule in effect per team per inning, except the last inning in a game as called by the umpire.
  • A runs ahead rule will be used as follows: 20 runs after four innings or 10 runs after five innings.

Late Arrivals & Forfeits

  • A team must have eight (8) players to start a game; no team shall start short.
  • A team not ready to play at game time will be given a five (5) minute grace period.
  • At five (5) minutes, the game is forfeited.


  • Female and male must be equally represented in both the infield and outfield when possible.
    • 3 male/5 female, 3 male/6 female, 3 male/7 female
    • 4 male/4 female, 4 male/5 female, 4 male/6 female
    • 5 male/5 female, 5 male/4 female

Co-Ed Team Kicking:

  • The order of the kicking shall be alternating male and female players.
  • All players playing the field must be in the kicking order.
  • Any players that are not playing the field can still be in the kicking order but must remain so during the course of the entire game.


  • Pitchers must “Roll” the ball to the kicker. A pitched ball must first contact the ground after leaving the pitcher’s hand, no more than three feet from the hand, as judged by the umpire. A pitched ball that bounces higher than one foot multiple times before reaching home plate, also as judged by the umpire during or after the pitch, results in an illegal pitch.
  • The strike zone extends to one (1) foot on either side of home plate and one (1) foot high. Any part of the ball over the strike zone, as judged by the umpire, will be a strike.
  • If the ball falls short of the plate and does not cross over, the pitch will be called a ball.
  • The pitcher must stay behind the pitching plate until the ball is kicked. Failure to do so results in an illegal pitch.

Weather Info: Click HERE for gameday weather and game status updates

If you cannot make a game, please be courteous and notify the recreation office.