MPRB Adult Spring Broomball Bulletin

Spring Broomball Bulletin:

  • All managers must read the bulletin carefully before registering.
  • All registrations are final, no refunds unless due to medical/illness or program cancellation.
  • All players on the roster must be at least 18 years of age and adhere to the sport rules and rules listed in this bulletin. Participants waive, release & discharge any & all claims for damages for personal injury, death or property damage which may have, or which may hereafter accrue to players as a result of participation from this activity.
  • Teams must remain in good standing with the MPRB athletic program. 

General Information:

Team Registration:

  • All registration will be done online. 
  • Standard Registration February 3 – March 17
  • League Fees:
    • $900/team for standard registratiion
    • 8 game schedule 

Player Registration:

  • Rosters will be completed online and are due with registration. 
  • Maximum of 15 people allowed on the roster. 
  • Playing of non-registered or ineligible players is an automatic forfeit if protested (in writing) by opponent within 48 hours of league competition. 


  • Co-Ed Competitive 6
  • Co-Ed Recreational 6


  • Games played at Parade Ice Garden (South Rink)
  • Sundays:
    • 4/6, 4/13, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, & 6/8
  • Game times:
    • 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, & 9pm
    • Times will alternate week to week


  • 3 minute warm up
  • 25-minute running time halfs 
  • Regular season games can end in a tie
  • Playoffs will have overtime
    • First overtime will be one 3-minute 4v4 (no goalie) period with all goals counting
    • Second overtime will be 4v4 (no goalie) period with golden goal

Manager Duties:

  • Please review city-wide manager policies on our adult sports guidelines
  • Make sure that you have a full team and at least one reserve for all games
  • Any schedule information, changes, make-ups, or other league information will be sent to you. It is your responsibility to pass this information along to your team
  • Know the rules. Tell your players the rules. Knowing the rules will help the game run smoothly and allow your team to concentrate on playing

Uniforms & Equipment:

  • Games will be played with an official indoor ball (manufactured by D-Gel)
    •  Managers are responsible for providing a good game ball
  • Teams must have some kind of distinguishing markings such as jerseys, jackets, scrimmage jerseys, etc.
  • Goalie Equipment:
    • Required: Helmet with face mask (cannot be a football helmet)
    • Prohibited: Goalie style hockey leg pads, catcher's mitt (baseball and/or hockey)
  • Recommended Equipment:
    • Commercially produced hockey helmets with chin straps
    • Shin, knee, and elbow pads
    • *MPRB does not provide any personal playing equipment*

MPRB House Rules of Play:

Rules of Play:

  • Bench area on the same side of the rink for both teams
  • Icing: called for all levels of play
    • Ball cleared from defensive zone through the attacking zone beyond the opponent's goal line
    • Goaltender must be in the crease or retreating to the crease when the ball crosses center ice red line
    • If the ball goes through the crease (and not into the goal), icing is waived
    • Instant icing will be called (does not have to be touched by either team)
  • Stick checking: Stick may be lifted at the ball but neither slashed nor held
    • If a player attempts to disrupt another player's swing by extending their broom into the arc of the shot from behind, interference or slashing may be called depending on the severity of the attempt to prevent play
  • Delayed offsides: called like hockey, delayed until all offending players clear the zone
  • Offsides face off: located at the offending team's blue line faceoff spot (6 person rule)
  • Delayed penalty: if a delayed penalty may lead to further altercations, the whistle will be blown immediately, and penalties will be assessed
  • Ball handling:
    • Hand: the ball cannot be held on the ice or intentionally dire Foot: kick passes to a teammate are legal.
  • Checking: no body checking allowed
    • To be a body check, the player must be playing the opponent's body in an attempt to gain control of the ball
    • NOT defined as two players coming together and making contact while attempting to play the ball
  • Crease Rule:
    • Only the goalie is allowed in the crease when the ball is not in the crease
    • Anyone is allowed in the crease when the ball is in the crease
  • Penalties:
    • 2-minute minor
    • 5-minute major
    • 10-minute misconduct
  • All other turnovers will result in a faceoff with the offending team being penalized one zone
  • A team must have 6 players to start the game, or a forfeit will be declared

Player Rules:

  • No offsides (all divisions)
  • Windmill shots allowed (men's and women's leagues only)
    • Windmill shots not allowed in 8's leagues
  • Head of the broom must remain below the shoulder on the backswing and the follow through
  • A team may start and complete a game with 6 players
  • Team composition on the ice is three males and three females
  • If a male is injured during play, he may be replaced by a female player
  • Playing the ball with the stick below the waist is allowed
  • Playing the ball with the stick from waist to shoulder is a turnover
  • Turnovers are face-offs and are penalized 1 zone
  • If the goalie covers the ball or the net comes loose, there will be a drawback for the opposing team
  • Offsides will be enforced on rinks with a blue line, otherwise, it will be played red line in and red line out

Conduct & Eligibility:

  • The league director retains the right to make suspensions longer or remove players from the league at any time
  • The MPRB reserves the right to modify any rule during the season at the sole discretion of the league director
  • A non-registered player participating in a game is an automatic forfeit provided a protest is filed with proof to the Athletic Office within 48 hours
  • Managers may at any time during the game request a player of the opposing team to sign their name to be compared with the roster on file with the Athletics Office
  • The request needs to be made in the presence of the umpire, and the umpire needs to sign the request
  • Should a player refuse to cooperate in signing their name, it will be assumed that the player is ineligible and the game will be forfeited
  • Players are asked to have their driver's license or ID for verification if a protest is requested
  • Penalties for violation of eligibility rules:
    • Suspension of the ineligible player for the remainder of the season
    • Suspension of the manager if the manager was aware of the violation
    • Loss of all games in which the player participated and a protest was filed