Adult Soccer League Information & Rules
Season Information:
Pre-Season Spring: 4/27-5/18
Registration Opens Here on 2/25 at 7am
Click here to view upcoming leagues BEFORE registration opens
4 weeks scheduled (3 games guaranteed, not including forfeits)
- 6x6: Sunday Open rec
- 4/27-5/18
- $320/team
- Start times at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm
- Games at Neiman Sports Complex
- 11x11: Sunday Co-Ed rec
- 4/27-5/18
- $475/team
- Start times at noon, 1:45pm, 3:30pm, 5:15pm, and 7pm
- Games at Neiman Sports Complex
Summer: 6/1-8/7
*Check back in April for specific summer league offerings*
Registration Opens Here on 4/22 at 7am
League Fees: $1,075 (11s) & $720 (6s)
9 weeks scheduled (7 games guaranteed, not including forfeits)
- Sundays: 6/1-8/3 (No games week of 4th of July)
- 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 (Rain date: 8/10)
- Wednesdays: 6/4-8/6 (No games week of 4th of July)
- 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 (Rain date: 8/13)
- Thursdays: 6/5-8/7 (No games week of 4th of July)
- 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7 (Rain date: 8/14)
Fall: 8/17-10/23
*Check back in June for specific fall league offerings*
Registration Opens Here on 6/17 at 7am
League Fees: $1,075 (11s) & $720 (6s)
9 weeks scheduled (7 games guaranteed, not including forfeits)
- Sundays: 8/17-10/19 (No games Labor day weekend))
- 8/17, 8/24, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19 (Rain date: 10/26)
- Wednesdays: 8/20-10/16
- 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15 (Rain date: 10/22)
- Thursdays: 8/21-10/16
- 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16 (Rain date: 10/23)
General Adult Soccer Information:
We offer leagues in the following divisions
- Co-Ed: There will be a male/female requirement for this division
- Open: There are no gender requirements for this division (LGBTQ+ and allies). Everyone is welcome!
- Women: Specifically for women
- Men: Specifically for men
We offer leagues in the following levels
- Competitive: Majority of players have high school level or higher experience; Majority of players have played competitively before (high school, college, club, etc.); Teams that have played in MPRB rec leagues (or comparable) and consistently finished in first, second, and/or third place
- Recreational: Majority of players are newer to soccer or have not played in competitive leagues; Teams with who have played competitively before and have aged out of higher level competition
General Guidelines
Rulebooks will be posted online. Following IFAB Rules (International Football Association Board) w/ MPRB modifications.
Weather: Check the Adult Soccer Page for weather updates.
Waiting List: If the league is full, you can:
- 1. Register for a different league with space.
- 2. Join the waitlist for any league(s): you can put your team on the waitlist for as many leagues as you would like for free. If a spot opens up in a league, we reach out to contacts on the waitlist to fill it.
Note: By registering your team in a league, you forfeit your spot on any other league’s waitlist. Please do not both register your team and place them on a waitlist for another league.
Note: We have limited capacity to move teams between leagues after registration and will do so on a case-by-case basis when possible.
Duties of a Team Manager
Click here to view manager responsibilities across all MPRB adult sports
- Make sure your team brings a good game ball to every game.
- Uniform - Teams must have a light and a dark jersey.
- Managers only are allowed to address the referee regarding calls, score or to request time-out unless the referee has encouraged questions, during the first few weeks of play, for instructional purposes.
- If for any reason, a team fails to have the required number of players on the field by 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the game will be forfeited.
- If during play a team becomes incomplete due to disqualification or expulsion of a player, and substitutions cannot be made, the team loses the game by default.
- Teams that forfeit 2 or more games during the regular season may be excluded from the season-ending tournament.
- A 6x6 team may register a minimum of 8 players and a maximum of 15 players.
- An 11 x11 team may register a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 20 players.
- Playing of non-registered or ineligible players is an automatic forfeiture if protested (in writing) by opponents within forty-eight hours of league competition.
- All rosters are due by the teams third game on TeamSideline.