Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis. 

Questionable weather and league cancellations: Game / Program Status (Weather)

To view league schedules and standing: GAME SCHEDULES

Sponsor Checks: Sponsor checks will be accepted at the MPRB Headquarters in place of online registration. Please note: we are unable to hold a spot without payment. To hold a spot, teams will need to register for a league using a credit card. A sponsor check will be accepted at MPRB Headquarters and a refund will be applied. 

League Information:


  • 12 week Single Games  
  • 6 week Double Headers 
  • 12 week Double Headers or 2 league entries (includes free Metro Tournament Entry must contact league director if utilizing this option)
  • Optional Minneapolis Metro Tournament 
  • Teams will be scheduled for 12 games w/ 10 being guaranteed (not counting forfeits.) League fees are based on 10 games.
  • Make up games will be scheduled or refunds given to teams playing less than the 10 games. 
  • The first league rainout (entire league) will be rescheduled. 
  • All managers must read the bulletin carefully before registering. 
  • All registrations are final, no refunds unless due to medical/illness or program cancellation. 
  • All players on the roster must be at least 18 years of age and adhere to the sport rules and rules listed in the MPRB sport bulletin. 
  • Participants waive, release, & discharge any & all claims for damages for personal injury, death, or property damage which may have, or which may hereafter accrue to players, because of participation from this activity. 
  • Teams must remain in good standing with the MPRB athletic program. 



All schedules and receipts will be emailed to managers and will be available on the MPRB softball website. Schedules will be completed and available once leagues have filled. This is typically two weeks before the first game.

Your regular season roster will also be the roster used for the Metro Tournament if you choose to enter your team. 

Roster Deadline:

  • All rosters must be completed by the third scheduled game. 
  • All players must be registered on the official team roster. 
  • Teams not properly registered by respective deadline date FORFEIT all consideration for Metro Tournament. Managers are responsible for registering all players by the deadline date. 
  • Teams may register up to 20 players. 



  • A player may register & play in only one classification in any division of championship play. 
  • Classification USA Softball Code (Article 306) Metro Minneapolis Men’s Slow Pitch C*, D*, E** Women’s Slow Pitch C*, D* Men’s Masters S.P. 40*, 45, 50, and Over Co-Ed 11/12 Inch Ball C, D, E** *Can qualify to go onto National or State Tournament by winning Minneapolis Metro Tournament. 
  • DIVISION CLASSIFICATIONS: We are governed under the rules of USA Softball. 
  • Division D: 4 options
    • Competitive- Experienced players and team. Won league or placed high in league or Metro Tournament – 
    • Intermediate– Experienced team and players, competitive
    • REC – A few experienced players but want to have fun. 
    • Leisure- Main focus is to have fun with no runs per inning restriction 
  • Division E - Leisure: – Main focus is to have fun. The half inning is over after 6 runs have scored. Rule can be waived if both teams agree. Gender Assignment for Sports Leagues: 
  • MPRB recognizes that gender identity and expression are more complex than sex assignment. Because the MPRB values all gender identities and expressions, we are developing a comprehensive gender inclusion action plan to support everyone in participating in MPRB programs and activities. 




  • MPRB Open Leagues: Sports leagues without gender restrictions for play and field/court position. 
  • MPRB Co-Ed, Men’s & Women’s Leagues: Players must select one of two options (female/male) to meet current league rules and requirements. If your gender identity does not match your sex assignment, please contact the league director prior to the start of the season to accommodate these requirements. 
  • SPECIALTY LEAGUES: Master Division: Age qualification is of the current year. Cut-off date is December 31st, of the current year. (35, 40, 45, 50) METRO TOURNAMENT DATES: Please contact league director for more details.
  • Metro Tournament entry fee plus tax *(Fee waived if playing in a 12-week double header league – must contact League Director to enroll. 
  • Co-Ed, Men’s and Women’s August 9th & 10th • Deadline to enter is July 23rd. Registration will be done online. Teams must have a roster for a current league time online to qualify. 




  • Leagues begin the week of April 27th and run through July 27th. 
  • Leagues are offered Sun- Thurs with no games scheduled on Holidays FORFEIT AND CONFLICT: 
  • If for any reason, you cannot make your scheduled game, be considerate enough to notify our office. Two forfeits and you may be removed from the league. 
  • Managers will now have the ability to see the contact information for other mangers in their league when logged in to their TeamSideline account. This should only be used to contact an opposing manager when there is short notice of a forfeit. The league director MUST be included on that communication as well. 




  • Minneapolis operates under closed competition (allows exception from USA Softball Rule Book to fulfill our recreational needs). 
  • USA Softball Rules will govern all play locally with the following exceptions. 
  • All Slow Pitch games will be played with 3 ball (batter takes first base) 2 strike (batter must hit fair on second strike.) 
  • Teams may begin, play and finish with 9 players. Co-Ed must have either combination of 5 and 4.
  • Teams batting order shall start with whichever gender has 5. 
  • A team cannot play with less than 9 players. If for any reason a team has been reduced to 8 players, a forfeit will be declared. 
  • If a player is ejected a team must have a substitute or the game will be declared a forfeit. In the event of an injury to a player a substitute is not necessary. 
  • Home Run Rule – Limit of 4 untouched, over the fence home runs per team per game for ALL 7 classifications and leagues on ALL fenced or partially fenced fields. Anything in excess of 4, the batter is out. 
  • Run Rule: A run ahead rule will be used as follows • Twenty (20) runs after three innings • Fifteen (15) runs after four innings • Ten (10) runs after five innings 9. Shoes with metal cleats ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SLOW PITCH 
  • Open Batting Order Co-Ed for team with 10 or more players - Teams may bat entire lineup with a minimum of 4 of one gender and 5 of the other. Teams will create two separate lineups, one for males and one for females. The batting order will begin with the gender that has a greater number of players. Teams will then alternate batting by gender adhering to the lineup created for each gender. If one gender has only 4 players, that team can only field 9 players on defense but still bat 10 or more if the other gender has more than 5 players. This will be allowed in league play only…not an option for Metro Tournament. 
  • Courtesy Runners –Any eligible player that may participate on offense or defense and are on the official line-up including available substitutes may be used as a courtesy runner. A courtesy runner may be used at any time once per inning. If a team goes through the entire line-up the same person may use another courtesy runner. In Co-Ed the courtesy runner must be of the same gender. The team is allowed one per inning, per gender. 




  • The umpire has the authority to assess ONE OUT against the offending team for the use of casual profanity which shall be defined as expletives (vulgar or profane language) not directed at umpire or opposing players, uttered by a player, manager/coach, or individual within the dugout, involved with the play of the team, frustrated with themselves, a teammate or fan. All outs will be assessed against the offending team during their term at bat. The casual profanity penalty out will be assessed as a team out and will not affect any batter or base runner.
  • Only ONE “Casual Profanity” out may be assessed per play with a maximum of two per term at bat.
  • Incidents of vulgar or profane language exceeding these limits will be considered beyond casual and will subject the individuals responsible to ejection from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct. 



  • Managers are liaisons between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and their teams. 
  • Managers are required to be available via phone / email on all game days or provide the MPRB league director contact information of someone who will be available. 
  • The office MUST be informed of any change of manager during the season. 
  • Managers are responsible for the following: 
  • Online registration & payment 
  • Notify and contact league director(s) of any game forfeits by 3:00pm on game day. 
  • Team coaching 
  • Equipment 
  • Conduct of players 
  • Distribution of schedules 
  • Eligibility of their players 
  • Initiating and writing protest 
  • Reading rules and regulations governing our athletic leagues 
  • Discussing rules, substitutions, and batting line up with umpires 
    • The Park Police will monitor fields during games and will issue tickets for anyone drinking intoxicating beverages or beer at ball games / fields. 
    • Umpires are instructed not to umpire where these conditions exist. 
    • Drinking of intoxicating beverages or beer during a game by a participating player shall result in the immediate removal of that player from the game and/or team manager. 
    • It is requested that teams playing the LATE games at the lighted facilities leave the area in a reasonable time upon completion of their game. 
    • Consumption of beverages and other post game activities must be moved to other facilities more adequately equipped to handle such large gatherings. The Park Police will monitor the parking areas and will take corrective action of violations to assist in relieving the congestion. 
    • Your cooperation is essential. 


  • OFFICIAL SOFTBALLS will be used in all league competition. 
  • Official softballs are those which come under the specifications of the USA Softball Guide and rulebook. 
  • Managers must provide a good game ball for each game. All teams will hit their own game balls. 
  • Men’s Official 12- Inch Ball: Optic yellow 52COR 300 compression 
  • Women’s Official 11- Inch Ball: Optic yellow 52COR 300 compression 
    •  See USA Softball rule 3 Equipment - Section 3, Official Softball A through F
  • OFFICIAL BATS will be used in all league and tournament competition. 
  • Official softball bats are those which come under the specifications of USA Softball, See Rule 3 - Equipment, Section 1 Official Bat A through I. Please check USA Softball certified equipment for a current list of approved bats. 
  • The on-deck batter may loosen up only with official softball bats or an approved warm-up bat or attachment. 
    • See Rule 3 - Equipment, Section 2 Warm Up Bat A through E
  • Nothing unapproved may be attached to a bat such as a donut, bat ring, fan, etc., when loosening up. 


  • All players MUST wear some type of footgear; no bare feet. 
  • All players MUST wear some type of upper and lower garment. (Long or short pants). 
  • Number on uniform will not be enforced during league play or Metro Tournament. 
  • Teams advancing to State, Regional or National Tournament play must adhere to uniform code. (USA Softball rulebook). 
  • Managers are requested to exchange line-ups, first and last names of players and their position prior to the start of the game. 


  • BASE LINE - Pitching Distances – USA Softball Rules will apply. Base Distance-Pitching Distance 
  • MEN & WOMEN 70 Feet 50 Feet CO ED 70 Feet 50 Feet (Playing with 11” & 12” Softball) 



  • All Minneapolis Park and Recreation or City of Minneapolis pay lots, meters and/or any other parking fees are the sole responsibility of the user. Being a participant in an MPRB athletic league does not guarantee free parking. The MPRB athletic department is providing the service of athletic league play only. 




  • Toilet facilities are provided for teams and spectators use. Using public or private property is inappropriate and poor public relations for the softball program and your sponsors. 




  • Assaults and indignities to players or officials is automatic suspension from participating in MPRB athletic competition until reinstated by the Minneapolis Municipal Athletic Association. 







  • Free rulebooks & scorebooks are available at our MPRB HQ, 2117 West River Road 


Please visit our Adult Sports Guidelines for additional league information.