Adult Indoor Volleyball League Information & Rules

Season Information:

  • Registration begins October 2025, for all teams.
  • Follow the link to register & check standings: Click here for adult volleyball league registration.
  • League Fees: $385.00 for 9 weeks of play (including tournament) with MPRB certified officials.
  • For general MPRB adult sports league information, please view the MPRB Adult Sports League Guidelines on our website.

Divisions: Women, Open, Co-Ed (in order of difficulty)

  • A/ Upper B: Skilled players who understand, but may not have completely mastered the dynamics and strategies of both 5-1 or 6-2 offense. This division focuses on more position-specific roles, defensive and offensive strategies, and serve receive rotations.
  • B: Players who have learned the basic skills of serving, passing, and doing three contacts with a team strategy of defense, offense, and rotations that will make them successful.
  • Lower B: Lower skill level, more recreational play. Teams may have a mix of B & C skill level players.
  • C: Players who are relatively new to the game of officiated volleyball or in the process of learning the basic skills of accurate serving, passing, making 3 contacts, creating a consistent strategy, and team environment.

League Games and Dates:

  • League fees are based on 9 weeks (including tournament).
  • Game times for the evening leagues may begin between 6:00pm to 9:30pm on weeknights and 1:00pm to 9:30pm on Sundays.

General Information:

Weather Info: Click HERE for gameday weather and game status updates

  • We are governed under the rules of the United States Volleyball Association (USVA) with MPRB modifications.
  • All teams are entitled to use the court for the duration of their scheduled playing time regardless of game format, except under special circumstances determined by the referee.
  • Roster limit: 12 players.
  • Please visit our Adult Sports Guidelines for additional league information.

      • Duties of Manager / Forfeits / Conduct / Weather Guidelines


    • Regular Season: Rally scoring will be in effect at all levels of play, winning by 2 points. Three sets will constitute a match with all three sets counting in the standings.
      • Scoring for each set will be up to 25, capped at 27.
      • The 3rd set will be dictated by time, with the team that is ahead at the end of the allotted time winning.
    • Tournament matches (when applicable):
      • Best of 3 games will constitute a match.
      • First 2 games up to 25, capped at 27.
      • 3rd game up to 15, capped at 17 (if necessary) UNLESS the match reaches the 50-minute limit.
      • The official will be aware of the time and may have to end the game due to the time limit. If time is running out, the official will cap the game (under 15 pts) and allow teams to finish to the new capped number.

    Championship Game:

    • The championship game will play first 2 games up to 25 (cap 27), 3rd game up to 15 (cap 17).
    • Coin toss will determine the 1st and if necessary, the 3rd game(s).

    Rules of Play:

      USAV rules shall be used as the general rules for play. Exceptions are listed below.

    House Rules/USAV Rules:

    • Players cannot touch the net.
    • Players may not cross over the center line/plain when the ball is in play.
    • Rotation or substitution may be used for teams with more than 6 players. The method must be chosen at the beginning of the match and used for the entire match. A player must substitute for the same gender (i.e. men sub for men / women sub for women).
    • All participants must be 18 years of age and older.
    • Each team is given one time out per game.
    • All teams receive a 5-minute warm-up with 55 minutes of playing time.
    • Blocking, spiking, and/or attacking will not be allowed on the serve.
    • Three hits are allowed per side and blocking is not considered one of these hits.
    • Any player may contact the ball with any body part, above or below the waist.
    • The ball cannot roll or come to rest on any part of a player’s body.
    • a. An exception is allowed during the first attempt of a defensive play of a hard-driven ball (attack-hit or blocked ball traveling at a high rate of speed). In which case, the ball may be contacted more than once with any part of the body in a single attempt to play the ball (i.e. double hit).
      b. New 2024: Second Contact Rule Change: A team's second contact attempt may touch more than one body part ONLY IF the ball remains on the same side of the net. The fault will be called if the double contacted ball crosses the net during the second or third attempt.
      1. Lower B and C will not be subject to double faults unless one player hits the ball consecutively (two separate attempts).
      2. A, Upper B, and B will be subject to double contact faults for a 2nd or 3rd contact sent over the net by a player that contacts the ball more than once with any body part.
    • Only captains or managers are allowed to talk to the official while the game is in progress.
    • In accordance with USAV rule 12.4.2 – “Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted.” (p. 39, USAV rulebook).
    • Co-Ed Play:

    • Co-Ed teams must have 4 players to start play (maximum 6 on the court). You will need at least two (2) women on the court at all times. A team cannot have more than three males on the court at one time. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture.
    • When the ball is played three times by a team, a female must make one of the contacts. Contact of the ball during blocking shall not constitute playing the ball.
    • USAV Rule 1.4 - When only one male player is in the front line at service, one male back row player may be forward of the attack line for the purpose of blocking.
    • Rotation or substitution may be used for teams with more than 6 players. The method must be chosen at the beginning of the match and used for the entire match.
      1. When there are 3 women and 3 men on the court and an odd number of players on the side, women can only sub for women and men can only sub for men.
      2. Team members on the court must be separated by gender.
    • Follow USAV/House Rules
    • Women's Play:

      1. Teams must have 4 players on the court to start play.
      2. Follow USAV/House rules

      Open Play:

      1. Open leagues do not follow any specific gender rules.
      2. Teams must have 4 players on the court to start play.
      3. There are no specific gender rules regarding the following:
        1. Ball Contact
        2. Serving order and/or court position
      4. Contact of the ball during blocking shall not constitute playing the ball.
      5. Follow USAV and house rules


      • If for any reason, a team fails to have the required number of players on the court by 5-minutes after the scheduled match time, a penalty of 2-points per minute will be assessed until that team is ready to play. At 20-minutes after scheduled start time, including a 5-minute grace period, the match is forfeited.
      • Two forfeits and you can be removed from the league.

      MPRB League Directors reserve the right to make additions and/or changes for the betterment of the program.