Sand & Grass Tournament Rules

MPRB offers volleyball tournaments outside of the regular season.

2025 Tournaments

Adult Sand Volleyball: Totally 80s Sand Tournament

Tournament Details

  • Three games guaranteed
  • Pool Play: 2 matches with 2 games up to 21 capped at 23 (30-minute limit)
  • Bracket Play: Best of 3 (45-minute limit)
  • First 2 games up to 21, capped at 23 Third game up to 15, capped at 17 (if necessary) UNLESS the match reaches the 45- minute limit. 
  • The league director will be aware of the time and may have to end the game due to the time limit. 
  • Coin toss will determine 1st and if necessary, the 3rd game(s). 
  • We are governed under the rules of the United States Volleyball Association (USVA) w/ MPRB modifications. 
  • One timeout per match 
  • Roster Limit: 12 players per team

Divisions: Open & Co-Ed (in order of difficulty) 

  • Upper B. Skilled players who understand, but may not have completely mastered the dynamics and strategies of both 5-1 or 6-2 offense.
  • B. Players who have learned the basic skills of serving, passing and making three contacts with a team strategy.
  • Lower B / C. Players who are relatively new to officiated volleyball or learning the basic skills.

House Rules/USAV Rules

  • Players cannot touch the net.
  • Players may not cross over the center line when the ball is in play.
  • Rotation or substitution must be chosen at the beginning of the match.
  • All participants must be 18 years of age and older.
  • Each team gets one timeout per game.
  • Blocking, spiking, and attacking are not allowed on the serve.

MPRB Play: Co-Ed Play Rules

  • Co-Ed teams must have at least one woman on the court.
  • New 2024 rule: Setting over the net is considered a fault.
  • Unlimited substitutions are allowed.

Open Play: 6 Person Rules

  • Teams must have 4 players on the court to start play.
  • No specific gender rules regarding ball contact, serving order, or court position.
Prizes / Awards
  • 1st & 2nd place teams per bracket.
  • If themed, prizes for best costume and team name.

MPRB League Directors reserve the right to make changes for the betterment of the program.