MPRB Adult Basketball League Information & Rules

League Details:


  • Game times (Saturday & Sunday): 4:00pm to 8:30pm / (Weeknight): 6pm to 9:30pm
  • Teams will be scheduled for 9 weeks of play (including tournament).
  • A 2-week tournament will immediately follow the regular season.
  • League Fees: $650.00 Men’s, Open, Co-Ed & Women’s Leagues




  • Divisions: Upper D - Teams of better ability with players who have played high school or some college basketball.
  • D/ Lower D - Player’s w/ knowledge of offensive/defensive plays, possess the basic skills of the sport and who have received some basketball coaching.


Registration Link - REGISTER HERE


  • Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Waiting List: If the league is full, you can add your team to the waiting list or choose another league.
  • Sponsor Checks: Sponsor checks will be accepted at the MPRB Headquarters in place of online registration. Please note we are unable to hold a spot without payment. In order to hold a spot, teams will need to register for a league using a credit card. A sponsor check will be accepted at MPRB Headquarters, and a refund will be applied to your credit card.




  • Players must be at least 18 years old
  • Players must play in 3 league games to be eligible for the end of season tournament.
  • A player may register with only one team in each league.


Roster - Team Information 


  • All players must be registered on the official team roster.
  • The roster is considered final after the third scheduled game.
  • The roster must be completed online through our registration software.
  • Managers will receive instructions for entering team members.


Free Agents: Individuals looking to get placed on a team can register as a Free Agent. Free Agent information will be passed along to teams needing players or if enough individuals register an attempt will be made to organize a team from the Free Agent list.


Conduct (Team / Player): 


  • Sportsmanlike conduct is expected of all players, coaches, and managers. The referee has the power to expel any offender.
  • Team Managers are the only ones allowed to address the referee regarding calls, the score or to request a time-out. During the first few weeks of play referees may encourage questions, for instructional purposes from all players.
  • No players (including team managers) may make profane or vulgar remarks to officials, opponents, or spectators.
  • The official basketball rules adopted by the National Federation of the State High School Association shall govern play with the following exceptions.


House Rules 


  • Team uniforms / shirts with numbers are mandatory. (Taped numbers are not allowed).
    • Teams that show to a game without numbers on their shirts / jerseys will forfeit their game.
  • You can bring your own ball. Both teams must agree on it, or the official ball will be used.
    • Men’s Leagues will use the Men’s regulation ball
    • Women’s, Open & Co-Ed leagues will use the 28.5 Women’s regulation ball

MPRB Adult Basketball Rules – 5 v 5 Rules 


  • Playing time will be two, twenty-minute halves of running time, with the clock being stopped the last two minutes of the second half. If a team is leading by 20 points or more in the last 2 minutes of the game, the game will be played in running time.


  • Timeout Info: Each team will have 2 time outs per half.
    • Time outs not used in the first half will not carry over to the second half.
    • Each team will be awarded 1 time out in overtime.
    • Unused timeouts in regulation will not carry over to overtime.
    • A time-out will last 1 minute.
  • A team may begin and play the game with 4 players. If a player gets disqualified the team may continue to play with less than 4 players.
  • If a team is not ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled game time, the team will be penalized one point for each minute that they are late, and the game will be shortened accordingly. A team 10 minutes late will have 10 minutes left in the half and will be losing 10-0. This is in effect for all games including the last game of the night.


  • Forfeits will be called at 15 minutes after the scheduled game time. If your team cannot make the game, please call or email the league director to let him/her know that you will not be there.
  • On a free-throw, the players lined up on the 6 marked lane spots closest to the shooter can play the ball on the release of the shooter. All other players must remain still until the ball hits the rim.
  • NO DUNKING. Players that dunk will be ejected from the game. If the dunk occurs during the second half, players will be ejected for the remainder of that game and the first half of the next league game.
  • Overtime. The overtime period will begin with a jump ball and is a 2 minute, stop time. If the game is still tied after 2 minutes, we will play a sudden victory overtime starting with a jump ball. The winning team only needs 1 point for a victory.
  • Technical Fouls
    • Any player receiving two (2) technical fouls in a game will be ejected from that game. That player will also be suspended from their team’s next game.
    • Any player ejected for fighting will be ejected from the game and suspended for the next 3 games.
    • Dismissal from the league will be at the discretion of the league director.


Co-Ed 5 on 5: All of the above rules with the following modifications 


  • Points will be awarded as follows:
    • Field goals by a female are 2 points
    • Field goals by a male are 1 point
    • All free throws are 1 point
    • All 3-point shots are 3 points
  • Each team shall field no more than 5 players on the court at one time. No more than 3 men may be on the court at one time. A legal game requires a team to have at least 1 female (minimum total of 4 players) when playing with three males, but teams may always have more women than men on the court.
  • Fouls / Free Throw Attempts
    • Female – Shooting and personal fouls, follow National Federation of High School Association for free throw attempt(s).
    • Male – Shooting foul standard field goal will be one free throw attempt; shooting foul 3-point shot will be awarded three free throw attempts; personal foul – one free throw attempt.

MPRB Open Leagues: 

  • Sports leagues without gender restrictions for play and field/court position.
MPRB Co-Ed, Men’s & Women’s Leagues: 
  • Players must select one of two options (female/male) to meet current league rules and requirements. If your gender identity does not match your sex assignment, please contact the league director prior to the start of the season to accommodate these requirements.





  • Overtime will go into effect.
    • Overtime will begin with a jump ball and 2-minute, stop time.
    • If the game is tied after 2-minutes, we will start a second / final overtime.
      • This will start with a jump ball and teams will play a sudden victory overtime with the winning team only needing 1 point for a victory.
    • If a game proceeds to overtime, each team shall receive no more than one additional time-out, regardless of the number of overtimes. Time-outs shall be 60 seconds in duration. The clock will not run during time-outs.