Fall Adult Flag Football (6v6 League)

League Details:

  • Registration begins June 22, 2025, for all teams.
  • League Fees: 8 games (including tournament) w/ MPRB certified officials.
  • Divisions: Women’s, Men’s & Co-Ed 6-person flag leagues.
  • Registration Link - REGISTER HERE

League Info:

  • League Games: League fees are based on an 8-game schedule (including tournament).
  • League Times: Game times for the evening leagues may begin between 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
  • League Location: Parade Park / Field – 400 Kenwood Pkwy, Mpls 55403.
  • Field Size: 70 yards x 30 yards.
  • Game Ball:
    • Women: Intermediate, Youth or Junior ball.
    • Co-Ed: Intermediate, Youth or Junior ball.
    • Men: Collegiate or Official ball.
  • Uniform: Shirts and jerseys MUST be tucked in; shorts MUST be a different color as the flag (flags provided are red and yellow).
  • Game Time: Two 22-minute halves (running time) w/ 5-minute halftime.
    • If a score is tied at the end of regulation, the game will remain a tie. 
  • Tournament Overtime: 
    • A coin toss will establish which team will have the first attempt on offense. 
    • Each team will receive one possession (1 down).
    • The offensive team will determine if they want to attempt 1 point at the 5-yard line or 2 points from the 15-yard line. 
    • Repeat this process until there is a winner.
    • Defensive Penalty: Move to half the distance and replay first down
  • Roster: Maximum of 12 players per team roster. Roster must be completed by the 3rd game.
  • Forfeits: 
    • Two forfeits and you can be removed from the league.
  • Timeouts:
    • Each team is entitled to three (1 minute) timeouts per game.
    • Timeouts can be used at the team's discretion.
    • All timeouts are one (1) minute in length (stopped time). Officials will give a warning at forty-five (45) seconds.
    • Teams are allowed twenty-five (25) seconds between plays. The official will announce the ten (10) second mark.

      League Standings & Points:

      • A win = 2 points, a tie = 1 point, and a loss = 0 points.
      • Touchdown = 6 points.
      • Extra Point:
        • 1 point: Successfully try from 5 yards.
        • 2 points: Successfully try from 15 yards.
      • Safety = 2 points (offensive team punts from own 15-yard line).

      Playing Rules:

      • Minimum 4 players to start (maximum 6 on the field).
      • Co-Ed Play:
        • Both genders must be involved in each possession (every 4 downs).
        • Penalty Enforcement: 

          • Loss of down and the next play is still a female play.
      • Starting the Game & Half: 
        • Teams start play from the 15-yard line (no kickoffs).


MPRB Adult Flag Football League Information & Rules

Dead Ball

  • A dead ball is any pass, lateral, handoff or punt return that touches the ground. The play is always dead in every case.
  • On any lateral or handoff, the new line of scrimmage becomes the point where the fumble occurred.
  • If the quarterback drops the centering pass, the play is dead, and the line of scrimmage remains the same.


  • If the defensive team commits a penalty, the offensive team can take the result of the play (completed pass) or re-do the play and take the appropriate penalty yardage.
  • If the offensive team commits a penalty, the defensive team can take the result of the play or take the penalty yardage.


  • A centerline (marked by cones) at the halfway point of the field will be the 1st down marker.
  • The offensive team has 4 attempts to gain a 1st down.

4th Down Kick

  • Teams may punt the ball on 4th down. The punting team must declare if they are going to punt.

Pulling the Flag

  • The play is dead when the player with the ball flag-belt has been pulled.

Backfield Play

  • Handoff/running plays are allowed behind the line of scrimmage. Backwards pitches are allowed in the field of play.

Pass Plays

  • One forward pass per play.

Fair Catch

  • A player signaling for a fair catch shall be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the ball. Penalty = 10 yards.

Punt Returns

  • Any muffed/dropped punt return is dead at the spot.

Offensive/Defensive Line Play

  • Other than the quarterback, three offensive players must start along the line of scrimmage.
  • Offensive receivers (within 5 yards of the center) may not move positions once the team is at the line of scrimmage prior to a play. This rule does not apply to a receiver starting more than 5 years from the center.
  • Any of the defenders may rush the quarterback, provided that they complete the "5 Mississippi" count prior to crossing the line of scrimmage.
  • Defenders may not bump/touch any offensive receiver. Penalty = 10 yards.
  • Offensive receiver may not push off / touch any defender. Penalty = 10 yards.

    MPRB League Director reserves the right to make additions and/or changes for the betterment of the program.