Who can participate in the After School Practice Option: Any HPS or Home school student who is currently in 3rd or 4th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.
What leagues will After School practices be offered for: 3rd/4th Grade boys and girls basketball
When will the season begin: The season timeline for the After School practice option will align with the traditional youth basketball season. Practices will begin the week of December 9 with games beginning on Thursdays, January 9.
Practices during winter break (week of December 23 & week of December 30): An effort will be made for the After School team to practice once a week during winter break. The practices may be at a different time or location depending on availability. More information for practices during winter break will be communicated in early December.
How many kids can participate: Up to two boys and two girls After School teams will be formed, based on participation numbers. Space is limited, so if you know you would prefer After School practices for your child, make sure to register early. Like always, there is no limit on the number of players who can participate in the traditional evening practice option.
When will After School practices take place: After School practices will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. Practices will begin at the conclusion of the school day and will end at 5:15 PM.
Where will After School practices take place: After School practices will take place at Holland West or HLA. Students from Holland Heights and Jefferson may still participate, and transportation to practice will be provided by Holland Parks & Recreation. Parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their child at the conclusion of practice at 5:15 PM.
Why is this being offered: Holland Parks & Recreation wants to make participation in youth athletics more convenient and accessible for families. This pilot program will allow us to trial After School practices on a small scale. In the future, we hope to be able to expand this option to more players, schools, and grade levels.
Registration Fee: In order to make this program possible, extra staff and transportation is needed. The After School practice option fee is slightly higher than the traditional evening practice option due to the additional staff and transportation services. Scholarships are available for those interested in the After School practice option to help with the registration fee.
Scholarships: As we do for all of our programs, scholarships are available for the After School Basketball program. We are honored to offer scholarships through our Sal Perez Youth Recreation Scholarship Program. To apply for a scholarship for the After School Basketball program, please click the scholarship information button below.
Game Schedule: The game schedules are live on the Holland Recreation website. The entire girls schedule is available. The boys schedule only shows week 1-3, more games will be added after week 2. Game Schedules
Page Last Updated 12.30.24