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7th/8th Grade Girls Lakeshore Basketball Team - Fall 2024

Teams will register at a per game rate in this format. Jerseys and practices are the responsibility of the coach/team. Games will take place in various lakeshore communities on Saturday mornings. There will be six weekends of games with a tournament on the last weekend.
Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - Monday, October 14, 2024
  • Late Registration:
    Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - Wednesday, October 16, 2024
  • Program Duration:
    Saturday, October 26, 2024 - Saturday, December 7, 2024
  • Regular Registration Cost:
    $200.00 - $280.00
  • Late Registration Cost:
    $240.00 - $320.00
 Registration DatesCostStatus

Offering: 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball (5games+Tournament)

 Regular: 02/13/24 12:00 AM - 10/14/24 11:00 PM$200.00Open
 Late: 10/15/24 - 10/16/24$240.00Not Open Yet

Offering: 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball (7games+Tournament)

 Regular: 02/13/24 12:00 AM - 10/14/24 11:00 PM$280.00Open
 Late: 10/15/24 - 10/16/24$320.00Not Open Yet
Would you like to donate to the Sal Perez Fund?
Would you like to donate to the Sal Perez Fund?
Donations to the Sal Perez Youth Scholarship Fund provide support to families in need. Check the box on the right to donate to this fund!Available for the following Offerings: 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball (5games+Tournament), 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball (7games+Tournament)