Dear Camp Parents/Guardians,

We are excited to welcome your child to CAMP REC. To ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience, we wanted to expand on our guidelines and policies. Each camper must be dropped off and signed in by their designated guardian. Our drop-off location will be at the Scout House at Kiwianis Park across from the Lufkin Armory. Please arrive on time so your camper does not miss out on any fun activities planned for the day.  

 Campers must dress appropriately for the weather, so please ensure they come prepared with sunblock, sun covers, and cooling towels. All personal items must be labeled with your camper's name to prevent confusion. The camp does not assume liability for any stolen or lost personal items.

 Additionally, we ask that all electronics, including phones, iPads, and Air Pods, be left in the camper's personal bag or with their guardian. CAMP REC is a WIFI-FREE environment!  For safety reasons, non-campers and guardians are not permitted to participate in camp functions and must remain at a distance from the camp.

  Light snacks, multiple shaded areas, and a cooling room are available for break times during camp.   Thank you for entrusting us with your child's summer adventure. We can't wait to see them at CAMP REC! 

Weather Contingency plan

In the event of bad weather, the camp will take the following actions

1. Monitor the weather forecast regularly to anticipate any potential weather hazards.

2. Notify campers and guardians of weather-related changes through email, social media, and text. 

3. If necessary, move activities to an indoor facility or reschedule the camp later. 

Campers can expect to participate in a different outdoor activity each day, starting with morning team building leading up to Capture the Flag. This camp is ideal for children who enjoy the outdoors, sports, and team environments. The camp is intended to explore the variety of activities that can be played in our local parks.

Activities include: Relay Races, Disc Golf, Ultimate Frisebee, TEQ Ball, Volleyball, Basketball, Scavenger hunts, and Capture the Flag. 


Campers Drop off and Pick up 

 The camp is facilitated at Kiwanis Park at 1117 S. Timberland Dr. All campers will gather to check in at the Scout House across from the Lukin Armory.  Campers must be signed in every morning by their guardians. Camper pick-up will be at the exact location at 12 p.m. sharp. Only approved guardians are allowed to pick up campers. 

Equipment Needed

Campers are required to wear weather-appropriate athletic clothing and tennis shoes. No additional equipment is required. 


Campers are advised to bring a refillable water bottle. Water stations and water breaks will be provided throughout the day.  A light snack will be provided at 11:00 am before the last skills session. Please prepare your camper with breakfast before the camp. 

Campers are advised to bring what they deem necessary to stay protected from the sun, hydrated, and snacks to fuel energy. Campers will be in the direct sun during skills sessions with periodic breaks. Sack lunches that do not require refrigeration are preferred. 

                                    Rudy Flores

       Felipe Sanchez                       Justin Reinhardt 

Meet the Recreation Team! 

Meet your dedicated coaches from Lufkin Parks and Recreation!  We're thrilled to be leading the way in teaching you the fundamentals of your favorite sports while also incorporating fun games to keep the excitement high. With a passion for athleticism and a commitment to fun, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Get ready to learn, grow, and most importantly, have a blast with us!