Your Guide to the Little League Season. Check here for a complete overview of the season, including dates, policies, rules, and more. This website is dedicated to providing the resources you need for the best season possible!
What to Expect After Registration
Team Draft
Coaches are the only ones present at the Draft. Teams are selected per age group.
Coaches select a practice day and time that is best for the majority of the team. Coaches determine the color of pants and belts. LPAR provides the team shirt and hat.
The coach Makes contact with the parents.
Coaches will contact parents via text, email, or Teamsidline by February 25th.
Uniform Pick up
LPAR will communicate with the coach to designate a time for uniform pick-up. Only coaches can pick up uniforms.
Rules, Saftey and Policies
New Training 2025
A background check and abuse awareness training are mandatory for all volunteers. These requirements are crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of our players. This includes all team moms and any parent helpers who will be assisting in the dugout. Background Check Policy
Parent Code of Conduct 2025
Turf rules
No metal spikes are allowed.
Coaches responsibility VS Parents responsibility
Coaches' Responsibilities
Contact all players and keep regular communication.
Organize and conduct practices.
Manage the team during games.
Ensure safety protocols are followed.
Complete required background check and abuse awareness training.
Follow the code of conducr.
Parents' Responsibilities
Ensure players attend practices and games on time.
Provide necessary equipment (bat, helmet, glove, cleats).
Complete background check and abuse awareness training if helping in the dugout.
Support and encourage your child and the team.
Follow the code of conduct.
League Timeline
Opening Day is set for March 22, and every team will have a game that day!
Games will be played on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Allstar process and timeline
All Star Tournament is from June 1st- July 31st
Admin contacts
Felipe Sanchez: fsanchez@cityoflufkin.comBrett Riggs:
There will be staff working at the fields during game days to assist with any needs and ensure everything runs smoothly.