American Football Teams

Fun for the entire family!

April 19, 2025, 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM 

This is a free event. All vendors and items are free to the public. Registration is required to enter the raffle for prizes. 

Register below! 

Put your bunny ears on for all the event details:

When? The event will be on Saturday, April 19, 2025. Please arrive at the time that is scheduled for your age group. 

Where? Morris Frank Park- Baseball Fields- 513 Windsor Dr. Lukin, Tx 75901

How?  Children will hunt for eggs per age group. Each baseball field will facilitate egg hunts according to the schedule. 

What? Enjoy a full day of activities in the park. Take a snapshot with the Easter Bunny, Play games, Hunt for eggs, and enjoy delicious complementary food from our sponsors. 

Egg Hunt Age Groups 

0-2-Year-Olds  Field 8

10:00 am

3-4-Year-olds  Field 7

10:30 am

5-7-Year-olds Field 8 11:00 am
8-10-Year-olds Field 7 11:30 am
11-12- Year-olds  Field 8 12:00 pm
Lunch Served  11:00 am 

Egg Limits  

To ensure all eager egg hunters get an opportunity to receive eggs, there is a 15-FIFTEEN egg limit per child.  

Bring your BASKET! 

All participants must bring their basket or bag to keep their easter findings safe. There will be no additional baskets or bags at the event. 

What to expect!

1. Free pictures with the Easter Bunny 

2. Free Easter Eggs

3. Prizes 

4. Hot Dog and Sausage Lunch 

Business/Organization Host Partnerships

The event would not be possible without the support of our Park Partners! 

Event Sponsorships are now available!  

Click the link below to complete the sponsor application.