Lufkin Little League Sponsorship Terms and Conditions:
Sponsorship banners will be purchased before the season’s start and displayed from March 25th to November 1st. At the end of the fall season, sponsors can keep their banner, or Lufkin Parks and Recreation will remove it for the next season’s sponsors.
Banner Maintenance
- Lufkin Parks and Recreation is responsible for placing, maintaining, and removing all banners.
- Lufkin Parks and Recreation is responsible for replacing damaged or disintegrating banners during the season.
Conditions:·Sponsorships banners may NOT include direct references to alcohol, tobacco products, e-cigarettes (vaping), marijuana or other controlled substances, firearms, or adult content.
· Any sponsorship banner damaged or vandalized within the term year will be replaced at no expense of the sponsor.
· Sponsorship of Lufkin Little League does not permit the sponsor to have any rights or responsibilities in the operation of the league or any team in the league, nor does the sponsor have any rights or responsibilities in the selection of managers, coaches, or players for any team in the league.
· The sponsor will adhere to all Little League and Lufkin Little League guidelines to remain in good standing.