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Sal Perez Scholarship
Softball Tournament

The annual Sal Perez Youth Scholarship Softball Tournament is a great way to start off the summer softball season and raise money towards Holland Parks and Recreation's Youth Scholarship Fund.  Funds raised will go towards providing recreational opportunities for children in the Holland community who need assistance paying for programs. Each team is guaranteed two games. Umpires and softballs are provided. 

Sal Perez Men's Tournament
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025
Time: First games begin at 9:00 AM
Location: Matt Urban Recreation Complex, 270 E. 32nd St., Holland
Team Fee: $165/Team by 3/17/25
                  $180/Team by 4/7/25
                  $195/Team after 4/7/25; pending availability

Sal Perez 7-3 Coed Tournament
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2025
Time: First games begin at 9:00 AM
Location: Matt Urban Recreation Complex, 270 E. 32nd St., Holland
Team Fee: $165/Team by 5/12/25
                  $180/Team by 6/2/25
                  $195/Team after 6/2/25; pending availability