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Youth Programs
Youth Sports Policies
Youth Baseball & Softball
Youth Basketball
Youth Biking
Youth Bowling
Youth Cheerleading
Youth Dance
Youth Day Camps
Youth Disc Golf
Youth Fine Arts
Youth Fishing
Youth Football
Youth Golf
Youth Lacrosse
Youth Martial Arts
Youth Pickleball
Youth Soccer
Youth Sports Exploration
Youth Swimming & Diving
Youth Tennis
Youth Track & Field
Youth Volleyball
Youth Wellness & Education
Youth Wrestling
Youth Scholarship Application
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Adult Wellness & Education
Kids' Concert Series
Kids' Night Out
Open Gyms
Park Play
Sal Perez Scholarship Softball Tournament
Spring Fever Basketball Tournament
St. Patrick's Day Volleyball Tournament
Summer Concert Series
Tulip City Kids' Triathlon
Bouws Pool
Open Swim Season
Pool Rentals
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Program Refund Request
Boating Overnight Parking Request
Pavilion & Gazebo Rentals
Sidewalk Snow Plow Repair Request
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Volunteer Coach Code of Conduct
Coaches are responsible to ensure that the health, well-being, safety, and development of athletes take precedence over the win/loss record.
Coaches are responsible for communicating effectively with your team. Introduce yourself to parents and communicate cancellations well in advance.
Coaches are expected to maintain a professional demeanor in their relationships with athletes, officials, coaches, administrators, and opposing parents. Everyone needs to be treated with respect and dignity. Negative interactions with officials will not be tolerated.
Coaches must acknowledge that they are role models and behave in a respectful way. Exemplifying honesty, integrity, respect, and fair play to all. Any form of fighting, verbal or physical, any threats of violence, or any actions not representing that of a role model will not be tolerated.
Coaches should recognize that physical contact is at times necessary with players, but coaches must ensure that no action on their part can be misconstrued. Always follow the rule of three. Never be alone with a child at practice, do not give children rides home, and do not go behind closed doors with a child alone.
Coaches should always instill integrity in the game and in the players. Do not teach children to break rules or behave unsportsmanlike. Prepare our players on how to succeed and fail maturely.
Coaches must take the time to learn the rules of the sport and teach these rules to the players.
Coaches will not tolerate or participate in any kind of abuse, verbal, physical, or emotional. Please report any infractions to Holland Recreation, so that we can protect the children.
Coaches will remember, “I am a youth coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.”