Heritage Festival ENT

Heritage Festival October 21, 2023

If  you would like to participate in Heritage Festival 2023 as entertainment please complete the form and a respresentative from the festival will contact you about the details. We are seeking dancers, bands, vocalist, groups and more. All applications must be completed by September 22, 2023. if you are intrested in other capacities, Please call 936-633-0250


Name of Act or Group
Please provide the name of the group, band or artist .
Contact persons Name
Mailing address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Please provide the fee to book your service
Electrical Service
Electricty in the area is limited and will be on a first come first serve baisis.
Please describe your act in detail and provide the amout of time you require to complete your set.
Website/Social Media
Please provide your website or social media page if you have one.
Payment Options
Please select only one. Would you consider other forms of payment of service for sponsorship, booth space or require a fee.

Required Fields